Monday 4 March 2019

LLVM 8 import starting

Hi folks, following up the now rc3 tagged of LLVM 8.0.0, Dimitry Andric had decided to import it in the base system already. Indeed, generally the 3rd or so release candidate already reflects the final release ; the changes, at this stage, usually occurs more into the documentations for example, it is pretty safe as is ... Curious as always, I personally already planned to recompile the whole system as I write to benefit all the improvements I mentioned over the last months.

While at LLVM ; like many other "githubers", I go through other people projects and one particularly attracted my attention, if you are interested into LLVM IR generation, there is this Java-7 compatible compiler even though it requires a particular environment to build it all and even if you do not have direct professional or personal usage per se ; it can be somewhat an interesting subject of study. About php, the awaited new feature, which is the JIT support, is still under review as I write, despite it is Dmitry Stogov behind the keyboard it needs to take time to fix and improve as it is tested ... but ... it might be for soon !

Personally, these last days I have been pushing few improvements to radare to report better arm and mips ELF binaries sections or also more specifically adding OpenBSD sections. Also, I have been pushing a tiny update to the NSS library, which "powers" Firefox for example, to support the new getentropy call from FreeBSD 12 which had been merged ; another slightly more important code will be reviewed.The jemalloc project had entered into the release candidate phase thus my little contribution to improve the profiling for FreeBSD won t be into the soon 5.2 release as I pushed a bit too late :-) but that is very understandable ; they need to be careful as it undergoes stress tests and so on.

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