Thursday, 6 March 2025

The early worm catches the bird !

 Hi folks,

We LLVM members have the pleasure to announce the 20.1 release ! Definitively earlier than expected,

but no serious bug had been reported. As always, there is a bit of everything for everybody in it, I mostly

look forward TySan and the new ISA extensions for the Diamond Intel Processors.

For who follow me for long enough, you may have a hint I am a bit of Saint Seiya fan among other japanese ips, Dokho being my all time favourite Gold Saint (Saga/Kanon being a very close second), I did my best to reproduce his most powerful attack pose. The purists will probably say "Not quite !", they are probably right. 

Anyway 😊, more importantly, I started working on future PHP 8.5 especially on the sockets extension, trying to make Linux packet filtering (a lot more) accessible. I may try to port a chunk of this to other platforms (BSD, illumos maybe), we will see.

That's pretty much this, if you ever feel defeated try to get up once more 😊 that's all I gonna say, take care see you next time !

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Saturday, 1 February 2025

Happy bird day to you !

 Hi folks,

Now I have 1 year of perspective as PHP Foundation member, I can tell it is exciting to be part of it and have a lot of hope for the unfolding current year. Stay tuned to the Foundation blog as always, you will know everything in due time.

Apart of this, I increased these last weeks my average LLVM commits, at least just in time for the 20 branching which occurred as planned the 28th. Especially for the recent RealtimeSanitizer, I am also personally excited for the development of TySan (not to confuse with TSan) ; sounds pretty promising. Still contribute to various rust related projects, pretty happy the FreeBSD ABI level had been increased recently it will unblock quite some few features which depended on it.

In the meantime, I wish you well, cheers ✌

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Saturday, 21 December 2024


 Hi folks,

Since about 2 weeks as I write, the EuroBSDCon 2024 are available for everyone to see on YT, including the closing session and the sponsors shoutout. Enjoy !! ☺️

PHP 8.4.2 (reminder just in case 8.4.0 is not be used) had been available for a little while and I think it can start to be really considered for production usage at this stage. Numerous bug fixes had been pushed to lower branches as well, hopefully you can upgrade !

Time to prepare for Xmas eve, see you next time πŸ‘πŸΌ

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Monday, 11 November 2024

In 10 days...

 Hi folks,

We are approaching the release of PHP 8.4, the 3rd release I am involved into as a PHP member and the 1st from a PHP Foundation's perspective. There are enough new features but the most noticeable are the Property Hooks and the HTML5 parsing (in my opinion of course). You can find a nice summary here for example.

About FreeBSD 14.2, scheduled for next month, one noticeable piece for me is the optimisation for arm64 via SIMD. I invite you, in that regard, to watch the EuroBSDCon 2024 talk related to this topic.

Wish you well and see you next time ☝

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Sunday, 22 September 2024

Back to duty


Thanks to Failte Ireland for having pushed me to organise an event also for being a sponsor.

Now is the time to go back to my usual stuff, PHP Foundation and other FOSS contributions.

I m glad the attendees, the most important part, enjoyed their stay πŸ‘. See you next.


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Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Tomorrow is the day..

 Hi folks,

In less than 24 hour, the Foundation and team of organisers will be opening the event. Hope you have/had a safe trip and will enjoy your stay in Dublin !

Quite unexpected but now Microsoft is also a partner. Any help is valuable so thanks for joining us !

See you all tomorrow πŸ‘‹


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Monday, 19 August 2024

CU in Dublin ...

 Hi folks,

The date is approaching quickly now :-) there is room for every taste, whether you re more focus on tutorials or the tech talks. Lastly, there is a social event to share some unforgettable memories. Thanks again to our sponsors for their invaluable trust.

Several months after becoming a PHP Foundation member (time flies as always), I still enjoy interacting with the PHP users, other members and scratching my head to solve issues :-) Rest is as usual, more or less so now the Foundation and I are waiting your venue with great please, see you soon.

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