Thursday 19 September 2019

9.0 is finally out !

Hi people here and there !
As the title suggests, LLVM 9 has finally made it after couple of more Release Candidates than envisioned but glad it is finally behind now. As you can see, it is now available here ; a bit of patience before it lands and replace release candidates in your preferred os/distribution :-)

So, EuroBSDCon 2019 had finally began I personally look forward to recorded videos, the "Porting Robot Operating System (ROS) to FreeBSD" in particular and also the other about the Rust programming language for curiosity ...

Following my nomination into the NodeJS membership, I enjoyed quite reviewing a certain amount of Pull Requests, in general of great qualities coming from first time contributors to "old timers" :-), rather than contributing directly (except libuv, which is a strong dependency), mostly in order to prepare the future 13.x branch. I can say the environment, ambiance is generally peaceful, respectful and the community is pretty diverse which I appreciate a lot.

Apart of these, I mostly focused on improving FreeBSD or macOS support in radare, HAProxy even AFLplusplus the nice little fork of Google AFL ;  a bit of varnish-cache in between. Wish you well for this next autumn :-)

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