Monday 11 November 2019

Autumn falls, time for changes

Hi dear readers,

I am glad to say now LLVM had fully moved to the git workflow since the last post ! For now there is the next logical remaining concern which is do we handle Pull requests and bug tracking as it is now and do we move fully to GitHub ? We shall see how it goes, it is not so obvious to go in one direction or another, Phabricator having nice code commenting feature for example but hard to maintain over time in another hand (Phabricator for LLVM is actually a fork). Either way, it is already nice to be where we are...

While we re into LLVM, I have spent little time, during the svn to git transition, to add basic OpenBSD support for the OpenMP api, knowing this os cannot support the cpu affinity part.
Still spending time also with the NodeJS community, aside of the usual review, I try to push upstream some FreeBSD patches from the related port to diminish its "technical debt", for instance here, more specifically, the v8 engine changes regarding the ARM architecture support and this one too. Also the trap handling for FreeBSD I had been ported had been merged recently. Will try to persist in this area, ideally removing all the port patches ... we will see.

dormando, main maintainer of memcached, is more active these last months I believe and had created a new release containing one changes I ve made again for FreeBSD, one about the Dtrace support, the other which was to rewrite the chunk of slabs allocation to be a bit more generic might land a bit later.

AFLplusplus underwent a lot of changes since the last release, mainly by hexcoder and vanhauser-thc. I did some of my own mainly in the multi os support area and few new features too. Following this, I proposed nicely to Gerard Pfeifer, the maintainer of gcc ports in FreeBSD to enable plugin support so the AFL gcc fast mode can be finally built ;-) and he equally nicely accepted it for now only gcc10 but will be back ported to lower versions in the near future.

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