Thursday 2 April 2020

Too late for April fools :-)

Hi dear fellow hope you re all alright and respecting thoroughly the recommendations to keep your beloved and yourself safe.

As many other fellow people into IT, I am lucky enough to be able to work remotely and still contributing here and there to some degrees. The virus does not stop very much the pace of contributions of the projects I usually look into. As a matter of fact, as someone already mentioned somewhere, open source contribution is already used within this context ... contributing from home, from your laptop, your old Sparc machine you found on eBay few years ago or the tiny pine64 in between your raspberry 2 and your Lenovo still holding up after so many years :-)

Personally, my current contributions are still mainly about the arm architecture as mentioned in a previous post. Indeed, I had implemented the arm support for the snmalloc project here ... fixing the mimalloc arm build in the process ... ported the register dump for this same architecture for redis ...
Added wherever I felt necessary the pause asm instruction ... yquake2 (some cpu temperature saving since), libuv and so on ... Maybe when I can will try to get a Pine64 since I heard so many good things about it ... We'll see.

hopefully we ll see each other in a better context ;-) take care in the meantime.


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